11/21/18 Casey Donahew at the Grizzly Rose, with Tris Munsick and the Innocents


2,000 Casey Donahew fans are going to be hungover for Thanksgiving. Many of them will be feeling the effects of the alcohol and others will be hungover from the music. Packing the Grizzly Rose, eager listeners braved the Romaine lettuce recall which may or may not be renamed the Quinoa conspiracy. What are you going to eat? Iceberg lettuce? Please. It’s the quinoa companies are the ones who stand to make a killing with the lettuce recall. Please remove the tinfoil hat before reading any further.

Opening the night with a Classic Country vibe was Sheridan, Wyoming’s own Tris Munsick and the Innocents. Munsick and his band powered through recognizable tunes, such as Garth Brooks’ Much Too Young and Chris Ledoux’s Cowboy Cadillac, and featured their own original tunes in the mix, including Dancehall Days that was filmed at the Grizzly Rose. They even surprised the crowd with Cherry Poppin’ Daddies Zoot Suit Riot and played one of Donahew’s songs, Tulsa.

Tris Munsick played guitar and sang the songs, Daniel Ball was on lead guitar, Tom Lulias was on steel guitar, Nick Lulias took bass duty, and Ryan Bell was on drums.

Check out Heart of a Fighter, which they played as part of their set.

Watch for their Tightrope video from Tris Munsick and the Innocents to be released soon. For more information, www.trismunsick.com.

Casey Donahew took over the party with songs like Feels This Right, Double-Wide Dream, and Whiskey Baby. Donahew saved his ever-popular Stockyards until the end. Donahew had the crowd singing along to all of his songs and featured Brett Hendrix on guitar and keys and also helped Donahew with a short, acoustic set for a few fans before the show, John Newsome on lead guitar, Steve Stone on bass, and Brandon Price on drums.

Check out set lists and pics below.

Happy Thanksgiving 2018!