9/27/2024 Tyler Farr at The Grizzly Rose, with Hayden Miles Band


Tyler Farr returned to The Grizzly Rose on Friday night. Hailing from Garden City, Missouri, and currently out of Nashville, Tennessee, Farr emerged from the darkness with Outlaw Hit before heading straight into Whiskey in My Water, and Better in Boots. Farr spoke about fly-fishing at Deckers and reeled in fans with an announcement of recording 5 new songs.

Farr saved his most popular song until the end, A Guy Walks into a Bar. Find the full setlist in the photos below. Supporting Farr on stage was Corbin Cagle on drums, Kyle Bruich on lead guitar, John Newsome on guitar, and Mark Caldwell on bass.

Visit tylerfarr.com for more information.

Opening the night was the Nashville-based Hayden Miles Band. Putting a spin on Southern Country Rock, Hayden Miles led the group on vocals and guitar, including Leighton (Smitty) Smith on bass and vocals, James McCarthy on drums, and Hunter West on guitar, vocals, and harmonica.

This versatile band rotated the vocals amongst the players and kept the audience engaged with strong covers of songs such as Guitars & Cadillacs and Ramblin’ Man and captured new fans with original songs Look Good When It’s Going Down, I Want to Die in Texas, and Happy to Be, among others. Find the full setlist below.

Find Hayden Miles’ music on Spotify>>open.spotify.com/artist/HaydenMiles