1/21/2023 Josh Turner at The Grizzly Rose, with Nathan Dean & The Damn Band


Josh Turner returned to the Grizzly Rose on Saturday night as part of the 2023 National Western Stock Show (nationalwestern.com) concert lineup. Out of Nashville, Turner played to a SOLD-OUT cowboy crowd.

With his recognizable baritone sounds, Turner reviewed his rolling stock of country and gospel sounds with Hometown Girl, Firecracker, Deep South, Lefthand Man, Country State of Mind, Never Had a Reason, Me & God, Pray My Way, I Saw the Light, All Over Me, Would You Go, Backwoods Boy, Everything is Fine, Time is Love, before finished up this high-energy show with Why Don’t We Just Dance, Your Man, and Long Black Train.

Turner was backed by the Tonkin’ Honkies that included Shawn on fiddle, Paul on banjo and acoustic guitar, Evan on bass, Austin on lead guitar, Tyler on pedal steel and slide guitar, and TJ on drums.

Turner is geared up for his 20th Anniversary Tour for Long Black Train. Visit JoshTurner.com for more information.

Nathan Dean & The Damn Band from Phoenix started the night off with a wild iron horse ride of their own. Nathan Dean & The Damn Band is an Arizonian band. They come to your town. They help you party it down. Playing a wide range of tunes, their powerful energy and good times were infectious. Nathan Dean & The Damn Band were baking a cake with Starting Over and Whitehouse Road, shared 90’s Country that included Should’ve Been a Cowboy, Chattahoochee, Dust on the Bottle, The Walk, and Man I Feel Like a Woman, and included original tunes Son of a Gun, Cheap Liquor, One More Bender, and That’s My Kind of Bar. Dean also hit the mark on the National Anthem that brought the entire venue to attention. Nathan Dean & The Damn Band finished their set with a rockin’ rendition of Country Roads.

Brass Collar Nathan Dean led the battleship on guitar and vocals, and was supported by Boilerman Bill Bogan on drums and backing vocals, Switchman Jason Judd on guitar and vocals, and Roadmaster Chris Duke on bass.

Follow Nathan Dean & The Damn Band at nathandean.net.

Good singin’. Good playin’.