7/19/2022 Des Rocs & The Blue Stones @ The Bluebird w/ First in Flight


We had the honor of being invited out to the Bluebird Theater this Tuesday night to catch a set of rock bands perform, all of which came ready to rock with their own styles that messed together creating quite the show.  The card had a total of three acts on the line-up all of which, just so happened to be new names that I’ve not yet come across, making it all that much of a better show. There’s nothing quite like exploring new music and the magic that bands bring to the table. 

Starting the night off was First in Flight, a Dance Rock band from California that imposes the true colter and vibes from the 80s, pushing you through their music to be the best version of yourself by battling your fears head-on. Coming together shortly after high school the four made one simple decision to join forces and began playing and fighting for their chance to do what they love. Leading the band stars Pat McCloskey on main vocals, Richard Mier on electric guitar, David Topete on bass, and Max Huss on the drums. 


Setlist – 1. Skeletons, 2. It’s Cool, 3. BreakOut 4. Simulation, 5. Fading Away

Up on stage next came a dynamic Rock Duo The Blue Stones that apparently needs no introduction. Based on the crowd’s reaction when the two walked in, you would have thought they were headlining the show. With the BlueBird’s capacity being nearly 550 fans had filled the venue up and secured their spots for the show. Making their way from Windsor, Ontario was Tarek Jafar on vocals and Justin Tessier on drums. Focusing their style around Blues Rock, the two played a constant set bouncing back and forth between slower and heavier tracks with an array of blue lights that cover the crowd that lead them from one song to the next. 



Setlist – 1. Grim, 2. Be My Fire, 3. Spirit, 4. Magic, 5. Don’t Miss, 6. One By One, 7. Let It Ride, 8. Oceans, 9. Rolling, 10. Lights On, 11. Midnight, 8. Black Holes, 9. Shakin’


Last but, sure as hell not least was New York native Des Rocs. From act to act I contained to be pleasantly surprised as each band came out shining their own personality, all of which Rocs owned the most. For some reason, I couldn’t help to see a younger mixture of Freddie Mercury with a hint of Elvis Presley. Taking time to speak his mind and connect with the crowd, it’s abundantly clear that this man loves making music. The soul that Rocs brings to the stage is far and few between these days in the music industry. Joining him on stage was William Tully on drums and Eric “Doc” Mendelsohn on base.


  Sadly, no setlist was acquired from Des Rocs set however, this yet again tied into his style/ambiance of character as he had no list intentionally, allowing him to put on the best show that simply felt right to perform. Denver was one of the last stops of this tour, saving the best, before wrapping up in Columbus, Ohio at Skullys Music Diner. Stay tuned as once this tour ends, all three bands already have studio times lined up as they get ready to build some new albums. 


First in Flight – https://firstinflightband.com/pages/music

The Blue Stones – https://www.thebluestonesmusic.com

Des Rocs – https://desrocs.com