3/5/2022 Grandson Presents: Death of a Tour @ The Gothic Theatre, with Royal & The Serpent and Oxymorrons

Grandson - 3.5.2022 at The Gothic Theater

Spring must be around the corner here in Denver, with the way things were warmed up this past weekend at The Gothic Theatre. It’s rare you see an opener and have to question yourself, “Is this the Headliner?”. Oxymorrons kicked off Saturday night’s Death of a Tour show, presented by Grandson, with Royal & The Serpent, with a packed house front to back, from the very beginning of the show. The crowd treated this NYC alternative Hip-Hop/Rock band as if they were right at home, fitting into the progressive music scene Denver has been cultivating for some time now.



The following act carried that same energy and drove one of the most modern Indie Pop, yet Punk Rock, shows in today’s day, connecting with the very roots of both genres. Royal & The Serpent have without a doubt, set a standard as what’s to be expected at shows to come.

 Royal and The Serpent bringing Oxymorrons back up to share the stage for one last track.At this point I couldn’t believe that we still had Grandson yet to come, these two bands alone will very soon be headlining their own tours.

Now allow me to welcome you all to Grandson! There’s a reason these amazing bands are on his heading tour Death of a Tour. Over the past year Grandson (Jordan Benjamin) has had multiple heart-ships battling the up and downs of both the music industry and personal life. Yet, through thick and thin he fights through the emotions, finding a way to communicate himself and fans throughout his music.

He started off by playing some of his known classics like Overdose before leading up his major hits such as Rain (From Suicide Squad) and Blood // Water. Joining alongside Jordan was guitarist Ramon Blanco and Drummer David Rehmann. This tour is set to end on April 8th in Lawrence, KS be sure to book your tickets to a show near you at www.grandsonmusic.com/tour…  Oh yeah, be prepared for some crowd surfing!