2/7/18 Diet Cig at Lost Lake, with The Spook School and Great Grandpa


Review by Kurt Vatland

Diet Cig brought their Slop Pop from New York and had Alex Luciano on vocals and guitar, Noah Bowman on drums, Anna from The Spook School on bass, and Karli from Plush on keyboards and vocals, and SOLD OUT the venue Wednesday night. 


See more pics on the slideshow here. 


The Spook School, a fun party band hailing from Glasgow, UK, had Nye Todd, Adam Todd, Anna Cory and Niall McCamley on stage to open the night with their Indie Pop, Pop Punk sounds.


Great Grandpa lifted the crowd from the get-go with their opening track. It was easy sailing from there on out. The voyage was set and the crowd was along. The familiar tone found in your favorites like Patti Smith, seemingly backed by Babes in Toyland and Best Coast, was the menu for the set’s vibe. Even moments of re-declaration with with snipets of what would be the best as jolts of At The Drive In were present at times. The child-like, yet raw and real shrieks of lead singer, Alex Minne from Seattle, had the Northwest Pacific Pop/Punk sounds. She reminded you that youth has a definite mouthpiece for the non hand-holding ideals by those ready to leave their motherland and go find themselves. Joining Minne on stage was Pat, Carrie, Cam and Dylan. From the beginning to the end, Great Grandpa gave an emotional, humor-tattered and raw performance that only highlighted their well-crafted songwriting and doubled down on a road-worn tribe ready to show their next upside as well.

See more pics on the slideshow here. 



Read more about Diet Cig and see videos here.