The second installment of Hysteria took place on January 20 at Syntax, and the women took control of the stage once again.
By Veronica Lee
Fresh off the streets from the second annual Women’s March in front of Denver’s Civic Center, the prowess of the fiersome foursome that took the stage at Hysteria, Vol 2, was powerful. Women musicians centered in the spotlight, and just as is the intention of the Hysteria series, soloists and duets alike create a space of empowerment and ownership.
Featured in the part deux of Hysteria was Shelly Rollison, Jennifer Jane Niceley, Jenny LaJoye, and Liat Sarah. Each artist brought their A game and offered a diverse sound and stage experience, yet there was a seamless transition from each stripped down, acoustic set. Though no hysterics were broken in to, there was an intensity in the cohesive community of musicianship and verse.
And while women in music is nothing new, a show like Hysteria is. Organized by women and featuring women, this night is open and welcoming to all audience members and is encourages the conversation that men on the marquee is not a requirement to pack a venue.
Hysteria is a continued series, so be sure to keep your eye out for the next session!
More about the artists:
Shelly Rollison
Jennifer Jane Niceley
Liat Sarah