4/7/17 Knox Hamilton and Colony House at Black Sheep


4/7/17 Knox Hamilton and Colony House at Black Sheep

By Alan Sperry

Out of Little Rock, Arkansas, Knox Hamilton opened the party at The Black Sheep in Colorado Springs on Friday night. Playing from their recent release, The Heights, the Indie Dance Rock Band, entertained the all-ages crowd with songs that included:

Washed Up Together(vid),

Work It Out(vid),

Sight for Sore Eyes(vid),

Pretty Way to Fight, and brought the sound down for their ballad, The Heights. Members included Boots Copeland, Cobo Copeland and Drew Buffington. Their sound sits at the crossroads of Folk & EDM, and judging by the crowd reaction, it’s a great place to be! Check out some of the video links above.

Read more about Knox Hamilton here. 


Colony House from Franklin, Tennessee, took what Knox Hamilton had started and continued the high-energy show playing to many adoring fans wearing The Colony t-shirts and singing along with every song. Playing their Alternative Rock, Caleb Chapman, Will Chapman, Scott Mills, and Parke Cottrell, whipped the crowd into a wild frenzy.

Check out the slideshow here.